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Thank you for your interest in the NJ Mini MASH - A Kingdom Divided organized by Morris Area Society of Homebrewers.

You only need to register your information once and can return to this site to enter more brews or edit the brews you've entered. You can even pay your entry fees online if you wish.

If you are willing to judge or steward, please return to register on or after Wednesday, January 1, 2025 6:00 AM, EST.


This competition is AHA and BJCP sanctioned and open to any amateur homebrewer age 21 or older. Judging will be based off of the 2021 BJCP Style Guidelines and this competition is limited to categories 11 through 17 of the beer guidelines. categories 29 through 34 will also be accpeted, provided the base beer is from categories 11 through 17. If a beer entered into one of these subcategories and is not of base beer style 11 through 17, the entry will be judged, but will be disqualified from medal contention.

Entries must be shipped via a shipping carrier such as UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc. We are not accepting hand-delivered entries. All entries must be delivered by Friday, April 18th 2025. There will be no exceptions for damaged, delayed or late deliveries. It is your responsibility ensure your entries are packaged appropriately to avoid breakage and that your shipper delivers them by the deadline.

All entries must be handcrafted products, containing ingredients available to the general public, and made using private equipment by hobbyist brewers (i.e., no use of commercial facilities or Brew on Premises operations, supplies, etc.).

The competition organizers are not responsible for mis-categorized entries, entries that are not received by the entry deadline, or entries that arrived damaged.

The competition organizers reserve the right to combine styles for judging and to restructure awards as needed depending upon the quantity and quality of entries.

Qualified judging of all entries is the primary goal of our event. Judges will evaluate and score each entry. Judges have discretion to award ranks as they determine regardless of score for each category. Large flights may be combined through a mini-BOS round to award ranks. Each flight will have at least one BJCP judge.

Brewers are not limited to one entry in each category but may only enter each subcategory once unless otherwise specified.

The competition committee reserves the right to combine categories based on number of entries. When combining categories is necessary, similar styles and characteristics will be considered. All brews in combined categories will be judged according to the style they were originally entered in.

The Best of Show judging will be determined by a Best of Show panel based on a second judging of the top winners.

Bottles will not be returned to entrants.

Entry Acceptance Rules

Number of Bottles Required Per Entry: 2

Each entry will consist of capped or corked bottles that are void of all identifying information, including labels and embossing. Printed caps or caps with designs are allowed provided that the design on the cap is blacked out completely using black permanent marker.

Brewers must submit two (2) bottles for each entry. Entries with only one bottle submitted will be judged at their respective category table but will not be eligible for best of show.

12oz brown glass bottles are preferred; however, green and clear glass will be accepted. Swing top bottles, corked bottles, 22oz bombers and cans will likewise be accepted however this requires special handling and are not preferred.

Each bottle must be free of all glue, label remenants, and other markings and have the appropriate competition bottle label affixed to it using rubber bands. Do not tape or glue labels to bottles. Bottles that have their labels affixed using any method besides rubberbands will not be accepted.

Bottles will not be returned to contest entrants.

Please fill out the entry forms completely. Be thoughful and complete in noting any special ingredients that must be specified. Failure to note such ingredients may impact the judges' scoring of your entry.

Brewers are not limited to one entry in each category but may only enter each subcategory once unless otherwise specified.

Competition Officials

You can send an email to any of the following individuals via Contact.

  • Eric Blaine — Judge Coordinator
  • Paul Jones — Competition Organizer